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6 View comments PGA pro-golfer Erica Blasberg's death has been ruled suicide by suffocation by the Clark County, Nevada Coroner's office.It has also been revealed that police are looking to arrest the doctor that called authorities after finding her unresponsive, after he allegedly removed pills and a note from the scene.'Blasberg was found deceased in her Henderson home with a plastic bag secured over her head,' County Coroner Michael Murphy said in a statement released Tuesday, adding that 'toxic' levels of prescription medication were also found in her system.
Tragedy: Pro-golfer Erica Blasberg's death has been ruled suicide by suffocation after her lifeless body was discovered at her Henderson, Nevada home on May 9 'While asphyxia was the primary cause of death, the presence of prescription drugs in Ms.
Blasberg's system was a significant factor,' Murphy added.He went on to reveal that toxicology reports showed the presence of headache, cough, pain and anti-anxiety medications, including butalbital, temazepam, alprazolam, codeine, hydrocodone and tremadol. And although foul play has been ruled out an arrest warrant for Las Vegas based family practitioner, Dr.
Thomas Hess has been issued on the grounds of obstruction of justice.'Hess admitted to removing a note indicating Ms. Blasberg had taken her own life," the Coroner's statement says. "He hid it in his vehicle along with prescription medications taken from her house.' Hess claims he knew the 25-year-old from the golf club and that he discovered her lifeless body on May 9 at her Henderson, Nevada home when he stopped by her house to check on her welfare. Troubled: Despite being one of the top players at college, Blasberg had struggled with her game since turning professional In his 911 call Hess told the operator: 'I need to report a suicide.
I came by to check on her last night and she had a couple drinks. 'I came by to check on her now and she's dead. She put a bag on her head.'Going on to explain: 'She was supposed to be leaving for a golf tournament but she didn't. She picked up the phone and she sounded intoxicated at that time.'However, he insisted that Blasberg had not seemed depressed and that she had made no mention of wanting to end her own life.Blasberg stood out from the crowds when she played golf at University of Arizona but had struggled at the professional level since leaving college.
At her only LPGA Tour event this year, at the Tres Marias Championship in Morelia, Mexico, she tied for 44th, and she had never finished higher than 94th on the money list.However, shortly after her death her father, Mel Blasberg told the Riverside Press Enterprise: 'She made a little money, she felt good.
She knew this year was going to be a tough year, but she was motivated. She didn't seem down.'A sentiment echoed by her friends who said that she had been working hard to improve her game and was looking forward to a return to winning form. In fact, her luggage was packed and she was ready to play in a golf tournament in Alabama when she died.
At Blasberg's memorial service, her high school teammate, Scott Walker said she was extremely 'talented, pretty and funny.'Going on to add: 'She had a laugh about her that was very contagious and when you heard it, it brought joy to everyone else.'And sometimes she'd have to walk out of the room because she was laughing so hard.'
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